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The Sign of A Warrior

The Sign of A Warrior

Oregon Valley Matson Creek Series


Alexis life is changing rapidly. Her mother and stepfather sit her down and tell her that the father she believed was dead all these years is alive. All this time Mason Longbow has been living in a village on the other side of a cave.

Heaven's Gate has always been off limits to her and her brother. She never knew why it was just a piece of land above thier cabin.
Now they are telling her that they are leaving their home and heading to this village. She was not so excited about this move. She wasn't sure how you meet a father that you have thought was dead. She was angry, and wasn't sure she could ever trust anyone, especially her mother.

While collecting wood for the campfire Alexis stumbles upon several Indian warriors. She listens as they talk. The one Indians voice seemed so familiar to her. When he says he has been searching years for his wife Rebecca and his daughter. That he will kill Braxton Hawk if he ever sees him for taking them away. She thinks this man is her father. Braxton stole her from him. She is so sure, but she wants answers and this warrior has those answers.

For Love of Alexis

For Love of Alexis

Oregon Valley Matson Creek Book 13


Alexis and Grey Storm realize that the Great Spirit had brought them together for a reason. Overcome by the moment, the mist, and their passion they did the one thing not allowed by their Indian Culture. It didn't take much to see what had transpired when the two of them returned to the village. Death or exile was the punishment for what they had done, and their parents were determined to protect them. Rebecca and Mason decided that Alexis would return home to Mason's brother and his wife, Maggie. She would be going home where she would be safe. Mason took her to the cave and gave her special instructions. Wanape was to take Grey Storm hunting, where he would reveal that Alexis was gone. Angry Grey Storm was determined to find the woman that he loved. No one would separate them. She was the love that he had been searching for his whole life, and he would not let her go even if it meant his death.

The Secret of Heaven’s Gate

The Secret of Heaven’s Gate

Oregon Valley Series - Book 1


Mourning the recent loss of her husband and soulmate, Rebecca decides to return to the home they both loved as children. Her return to Heaven’s Gate, the place that her father held as sacred Indian land, reminds Rebecca of the deep secret that she and Mason shared, and their solemn promise to tell no one.

Wilderness Trial

Wilderness Trial

Oregon Valley Series - Book 2


Rebecca felt as though she had lost everything. Mason had always been the strong one. He was the one who had held on tight when everyone else suddenly left her. Now he was gone, and yet a piece of him was alive inside of her. She needed answers not only for herself, but for her child. Doc Morehouse’s revelations left her with many unanswered questions. Her father knew the answers but he had vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared. Where did she come from was taunting her. Heathers diary only opened up more questions and she had to seek out the answers.

Pathway to Truth

Pathway to Truth

Oregon Valley Series - Book 3


While Rebecca seeks to find out who she is and where she came from her best friend Maggie learns that there is more to the Indian Spirit world that she ever thought possible. As Maggie searches for her missing friend her own struggles and secrets produce a challenge she is going to have to overcome.

The Future Lies within the Past

The Future Lies within the Past

Oregon Valley Series - Book 4


In search of answers Rebecca travels back through the cave. What she finds is not all pleasant, a harsh reality that finding the truth brings with it. She is now faced with hard choices that she alone must make. Leaving her father behind and moving on to face her destiny. Maggie discovers that everyone has some kind of secret, some kind of history that has molded them into who they are. Can they all move on from the past and mold themselves into new future.

Revelations of the Soul

Revelations of the Soul

Oregon Valley Series - Book 5


Maggie's life is turned upside down as she is drawn in to the mysterious spirit world Rebecca brings back with her. These two women must face the revelations that come before them, and move on to forge their destiny. Together they must bring back life to the dying reservation.

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