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For Love of Alexis

For Love of Alexis

Oregon Valley Matson Creek Book 13


Alexis and Grey Storm realize that the Great Spirit had brought them together for a reason. Overcome by the moment, the mist, and their passion they did the one thing not allowed by their Indian Culture. It didn't take much to see what had transpired when the two of them returned to the village. Death or exile was the punishment for what they had done, and their parents were determined to protect them. Rebecca and Mason decided that Alexis would return home to Mason's brother and his wife, Maggie. She would be going home where she would be safe. Mason took her to the cave and gave her special instructions. Wanape was to take Grey Storm hunting, where he would reveal that Alexis was gone. Angry Grey Storm was determined to find the woman that he loved. No one would separate them. She was the love that he had been searching for his whole life, and he would not let her go even if it meant his death.

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