Weekly Update

Well I slaved away this weekend and I have finished Journey to Redemption. The second in the Matson Creek Series. It is now in going into the hands of my wonderful editors, my husband and daughter. They are so great at catching all my mistakes or most of them anyway. Maggie’s saga goes on. Her vision haunts her but her dilemma between Parker and Roy grows on. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Be sure and leave me your opinions. That is how I improve in my writing. So until next week… Get out there and “Catch your Dream.”

Weekly Update

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a great Memorial Day. I know that I did spending time with family is always a great treat around our house. Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, Kids and grandkids, cousins, uncles and aunts. They all had a blast at the Kovatch family Summer kickoff picnic. It was fun watching all the children play outdoors instead of cooped up with the video games and phones. I did not forget to work on the new book. “Journey to Redemption” is the next book and I am on chapter fourteen now. It’s getting exciting even for me to see how the story is developing as I write. A few twists and turns as you will soon find out.  In the meantime make sure your having fun and living life to it’s fullest and get out there and catch your dream…


Weekly update

Just letting you know that I am working hard, hard, hard on the next book to the Matson Creek series. I am on chapter eight right now.  I have loved the input I have had from my friends and co-workers.  Team Roy is still ahead, but you never know who or what is going to occur to change Maggie’s life.

Dr. Mac has his eye on what’s going on and he may put a twist into the story with some secret news of his own. Please keep letting me know what you think should happen in the story. I love all the input. So, until next week. Keep trying to catch your dream…

Happy Mother’s Day

I am hoping that all the mother’s, mothers to be, grandma’s and great grandma’s had a wonderful day. It is wonderful to celebrate the women in our lives.

Mom’s are a precious commodity. They are not around forever but we remember all that they have done and sacrificed for us. I miss getting to pick up the phone and talk to mine, so those of you who have your mom’s around treasure them while you can.

I took this weekend off from writing to just celebrate with my children and my adopted children. Somewhere along the way I have adopted a lot of kids and I love it. It reminds me of what we as mothers are meant to be. We lead and guide the younger generation. We hold them up and tell them that things will get better somewhere along the way. We are encouragers and leaders teaching the mothers of the future what it means.

So have a great Mother’s day and celebrate it all week long teaching our children to strive to catch their dream…

Have a good week.


My weekly update

I am so glad that you have decided to check out my blog page. I have been working hard this week on the second book to Matson Creek series. There have been some twists and turns I have had to make since everyone has been commenting on who is for Team Roy and who is for Team Parker.  Maggie has a ways to go to get past all the hurts in her life as does Roy. Parker, well he has some hidden issues too. I guess we will all have to wait and see where this adventure leads the three of them.  Till next week go out there and catch your dream!!!

Hello world!

Welcome to my new blog.

This is the place where thoughts can be shared.

As excited as I am to share my new book releases and events with all of you. I am anxious to hear your thoughts about what I have written. If you have ideas or are hoping for a couple to get together share that with me. You never know what might happen.

I love writing, and I hope that you are all willing to share your thoughts with me. You never know when something you suggest  just might end up in one of my books. Stories come from life so I say  live each day to the fullest and let your story come alive.

I hope you are enjoying what I have written so far, so keep posting, and letting me know what you like.  In my first series Oregon Valley I introduced a secondary couple Roy and Maggie a troubled couple who although in love they allow their stubbornness to make everything go wrong for them. In Matson creek series the story revolves around the Roy, Maggie and Parker triangle. I was surprised at how many readers have been so vocal about who they want Maggie to end up with.  I currently have rival cheerleaders for team Roy, and team Parker going on. My readers are sending me messages about who should win the heart of Maggie. The story isn’t over so let me know what you think. Each one still has a chance for romance with Maggie so let’s see who wins out in the end. Be sure to let me know your choice.  Then we will all wait to see who she chooses.


Thanks for visiting and don’t forget to catch your dream!
