update on the new books

I know that you have all been patiently waiting. I have had a few health issues that have set me back a little however, I am still writing and working on the next two books.

It might take me just a little longer but I will get them finished as soon as I can. Thank you all for being so patient.

Sometimes we all have setbacks but it should never stop us from catching our dream.


Hi to all my Fans

It has been a couple weeks since I last posted. I am sorry for such a delay. I like to keep everyone updated on things.  I have had a few medical issues that I have had to do a lot of testing in the last couple weeks. So far everything seems to be ok. My sister had her surgery for breast cancer yesterday, that was postponed due to IRMA raging through Florida. I pray that everyone down there is getting back to some sense of normalcy. Most of my friends and family were without power for over a week. I can’t imagine something like that lasting so long. It’s funny how we all get so used to what we call the simple things.  Makes you wonder how people ever survived without it. How did the writers write without the help of computers? I remember typing on an old typewriter and not an electric one either. Showing my age but it is amazing to see the way things have evolved around us.

I am writing away again. Doing that double duty trying to write two books at once. That is a challenge. I hope you are all enjoying Rescuing the Captain and look forward to the next.

Once again, keep believing and go out there and catch your dream.




Just want all of you to know that many prayers are going out to those of you in Texas and all my friends and family that are in Florida facing Irma and Jose. We will be in constant prayer for all of you. Hopefully America will wake up and see that we are one -unified country and what affects one of us affects all of us. I am praying for all of you that the storms that are coming will die down and that everyone will be safe. Take care until next time that no matter what happens don’t give up. We are a strong people and a strong nation and we will all be praying, fighting, and supporting you during this time of struggle.

Until next time


Release of Rescuing the Captain is set for Sept 1st.

Continuation of The Captain’s Love Find out what made the Ghostly Captain a bitter man

Looking forward to hearing what you think of the second book in the series of Ravenswood Manor.

Ali meets a few challenges in this one as she suffers with Lizzie and begins to understand why her ghostly visitor is so bitter and angry.

Be sure and let me know what you think once you read it. I appreciate all the feedback.

Rescuing the Captain is done!!

I just finished Rescuing the Captain a pun so to speak. The book is now going to editing and should be out soon. I certainly hope that you enjoyed the first one enough to continue on with the second one in Ravenswood series. Now on to making a cover for this one while the print is being closely scrutinized. Sometimes the most challenging part is after the writing… So onward and upward catching my dream… Talk to you all soon.

Catching your Dream

Lots of things have happened in the last couple weeks. I made the I tune charts at number 14 with Secret of Heaven’s Gate. That was a total surprise. In fact I didn’t know about it until I got home from work.  My dear friend Chrissy who has mentored me through all this author info was on the job and posted it to me. I of course had forgotten to take my phone that day and when I got home everyone was excited as I walked in the door because she had posted it on Facebook.

That was a number 1 unbelievable dream come true. Thank you to all my readers for that boost in my morale. I am working hard on the second book to the Captain series, but had a few medical issue setbacks, but don’t worry it is coming soon.

Be sure to let me know what you all think about the current books and I will keep on writing.

Be sure to go out there and catch your dream.



Happy Birthday America

I certainly hope that everyone had a wonderful and safe Fourth of July.

America the land of the free and home of the brave. To all the Viet Nam Vets, “Thank You for your Service.”  I came from the era Viet Nam and so many of my high school friends were drafted into the service. They came back to nothing and they received nothing but heartbreak when they returned.  Thank You  for serving our country.

I want to say a special “Thanks” to them this Fourth of July.  As we celebrate the holiday with our fireworks and food take time to say a prayer for all of those men and women who served and who continue to serve our country. They are the Hero’s

Just a few still here, and some gone but not forgotten . Eddie, Rod, Billy, Darryl, Rudy, Preston, Eugene, Ian, Desiree, Lori, John, Lee. These are just a few of those people close to my heart who served in Viet Nam, Desert Storm and Iraq/Iran and some are still serving now.

Thanks for your service and for allowing all of us to Catch our Dreams in a Free America.


Love you all!!!!


Weekly Update

A big thank you to all my fans. I never thought that I would make it to # 14 on I-tunes with The Secret to Heavens Gate.

What a surprise that was. I can’t believe it happened. That put me up with some pretty great authors. Thanks for the support.

It just proves if you work hard you can ” Catch your Dream.”


Thank you everyone.

I just want to thank everyone for all the encouraging words. When your writing you never know if the book is going to be liked or not. So I hold my breath until people start telling me what they think. So keep the comments coming. Sometimes the next book changes due to the comments I receive.

The encouraging words keep me going. Special thanks to my friend Donna for telling me about an error that was not caught before production. I have gone in and fixed it. Thank you for the feedback, I love to know what your thinking about my characters.

I will be starting the next book, this weekend and I hope that I will make all of you happy by the end…

Until next week – keep the faith and don’t forget to Catch Your Dream.




New book just released today.

Here it is the second book to the Matson Creek Series.

Maggie has a lot of issues to work through. Revelation that her twins have different fathers, Roy’s divorce and his return to Hillcrest, Daniels visions, and Parkers abrupt departure due to her secret.

Will she lose her children as Daniel forewarns or will everything work out for her? Only time will tell.