Reunited at last

Well, Finally Reunited is finished all28 chapters of it. It is definitely one of my longest books and the end?? of the Ravenswood Manor series (at least for now.) You will know what I mean once you read it. The Captain and his entourage can return at any time.  I hope you enjoy it. It was finished a month or two ago but I made a huge mistake with this.  I decided to try out this new E-book writing tool only to find out if you don’t put the book into the system completely done and checked and you make some revisions… Well you can’t go back and try to change anything. I didn’t save a finished product. I thought once I put it in there it was done. I made a few revisions. “Maybe more than a few.” When I was done I was semi-happy with it but found out that I couldn’t download it into any other book format. So I ended up having to retype the entire book. That took me five weeks to do. So I am sorry it is later than I expected it’s release to be, but I sure hope that you like it Just remember “Keep dreaming and BE Creative…

Let me know. I love to hear from you.
